Bus Line and Schedule


Please visit http://www.ridembl.com/ for Montebello Bus Information

Montebello Bus Lines fixed-route services can be categorized as:

Major Local Services (Lines 10, 20, 40). These lines run at high frequencies (every 11 minutes or better) over a long service day, with service late into the evening and on weekends. They serve major travel corridors with intensive demand: Whittier Boulevard, Montebello Boulevard, and Beverly Boulevard. These routes constitute over 70% of MBL's service and carry over 72% of its riders.

Minor Local Services (Lines 30, 50, 60, 70). These lines generally run every 30 to 60 minutes to hourly, and tend to fill in gaps between the major lines. They constitute a very small part of MBL's operations and tend to be less productive than the major lines.

Peak Express Service (Lines 341, 342). The peak-hour, limited service operates between downtown Los Angeles and Montebello, and downtown Los Angeles and Whittier. Express service operates on weekdays only.