Community Risk Reduction Division

The Montebello Fire Department provides for life safety, environmental protection, and property conservation through hazard reduction in our Community Risk Reduction Division (CRRD).

The CRRD involves a vast array of services for the community ranging from answering simple fire safety questions from Montebello residents to more complex fire protection concerns from our business community. The staff is comprised of professional and dedicated members whose collective goal is to ensure we provide the highest level of service.

CRRD staff also provide fire safety information and assistance to our City planners, commissioner, and other City staff about new projects in the City; reviews new construction plans for fire protection regulations conformity and emergency access; and investigate fires that occur within the City to determine their origin and cause.

The CRRD conducts new business and annual fire prevention inspections of businesses, schools, hospitals, convalescent homes, daycares, apartment complexes, industrial facilities, and high rises. We also conduct fire inspections of special events, such as displays in common areas of the mall or fundraising fairs and carnivals at your local school. Inspectors look for obvious and sometimes not-so-obvious discrepancies in the maintenance of the fire safety provisions for the building or the special event, such as keeping exits clear or providing the proper type of fire extinguisher.

For general inquires related to the Community Risk Reduction Division, including scheduling a Fire Inspection, Checking the Status of Plan Check, or any general Fire Prevention Related questions please email us at [email protected] or call us at (323) 887-4507.


For Direct Inquiries to the Fire Marshall, you may email him directly at:  [email protected] 

Daniel Sifuentes

Fire Marshall-Arson Investigator

Community Risk Reduction Division

(323) 887-4508

[email protected]