Register for CERT Today
What is CERT?
Community Emergency Response Team
If a major earthquake, or any disaster, hits do you …
- have enough supplies for a minimum of 72 hours up to an entire month for all family members, including pets?
- know how to turn off the gas?
- know how to safely turn off the power?
- know how to apply first aid?
- have enough water for all of your family and your pets?
- have provisions for living outside your home for a length of time if the structure is compromised?
It is important to know: if a major disaster occurs, the Montebello Fire Department, Police Department and other public safety agency service may NOT come. They will be deployed FIRST to major incidents first that, depending on their severity, may have them at one particular incident for many hours - meaning that you are now the first responder on the scene.
This is why you constantly hear that YOU must be prepared to take care of yourself. In the CERT course they say…“The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of People.” When you are trained, you are far more equipped to deal with your circumstances without needing aid from outside sources.

Want to join the Montebello Fire Department CERT team?
The Montebello Fire Department's Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is an all-risk, all-hazard training. This valuable course is designed to help you protect yourself, your family, your neighbors and your neighborhood in an emergency situation. CERT members receive 17 1/2 hours of initial training and will be provided free of charge within the City of Montebello to anyone 18 or over (until the class meets the capacity).
CERT members are trained in basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization and disaster medical operations. You will learn how to prepare for emergencies, what supplies you should NOW have in your house, how much food, how much water but most importantly, how to protect your family in an emergency.