Inspection FAQ's

Building Inspector

Phone: (323) 887-1497

Building Inspection Request:

Please fill out and submit the Building Inspection Form.

Please note inspections are only conduct during city hours.

Monday - Thursdays 7:30am-5:30pm

Need a Fire Department Inspection?

Please fill out and submit the Fire Inspection Request Form

Questions and/or Concerns?

Email: [email protected]

Call (323) 887-1507


What inspections does the City require?

Every permit issued by Building and Safety Division receives an Inspection Record document that identifies the type of inspection approvals needed based on the scope of work and permit type. All applicable items on the inspection record will need an inspection before the work is covered. Other inspections required are identified by the plan design professionals based on proposed work. If you have any questions specific to your project please contact the Building and Safety Division for clarification.

What time are inspections performed?

Inspection services are performed during normal business hours. Inspections are scheduled for windows in the morning (7:30am-12pm) or afternoon (1pm-5:30pm). Inspection windows are estimates and my be subject to change daily.